jueves, 27 de noviembre de 2014

Nuevos libros en camino- new books are coming

Tuve el placer de ilustrar dos cuentos clásicos para la editorial argentina UNALUNA. Tuve mucha libertad al hacerlo y los formatos son muy interesantes. Aquí los resultados.

I had the pleasure of illustrating two classic stories for the argentinean publishing house Unaluna. I was given a lot of  artistic freedom and the book formats are very interesting. Here are the results.

 Three Little Pigs/ Los tres chanchitos. UNALUNA.

Snow White/Blancanieves. UNALUNA

3 comentarios:

  1. Is there any chance to buy this book in Europe?

  2. Ela, I think it will be available in Spain...

  3. Thank you, I've checked amazon but I don't think it's there yet. I look forward to have these books in my hand. Beautiful artwork! All the best!
